5 Comentarios
ago 25Gustado por Researching Global Stocks

Muy buen analisis!

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Gracias Elkano!

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sep 11Gustado por Researching Global Stocks

Great summary - thank you for writing it out. Agree they have been clear on Q1 call already that a possible 2nd dividend wouldn't come until H2 so they have been just consistent in that messaging on the Q2 call.

They got a lot of heat on it in Q1 already so I do hope they view paying twice a year as a mandatory step and fix this as a policy, to avoid doing a song & dance every year. They can clearly afford it and offer a policy of returning 50% of earnings to shareholders via dividends.

At this rate, it would be hugely beneficial to do buybacks but I haven't seen any indications that management is open to that; anyways happy with a fat dividend that works for me too!

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Thank you, Samir. I agree, they should be more clear. I would even say they got themselves into trouble with this interim dividend and how to distribute it. I don’t think they will do buybacks, although the valuation would justify it.

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Gracias Jose. Grande !

Deseando leer tu siguiente articulo ;-)

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